So often our minds are blown by what we see day to day. Think about your childhood and how you use to draw with chalk on the sidewalk. What did you draw? How did you draw? Why did you draw?
Below are some links to sites that have 3-D chalk designs. Choose one design and really look at it. What is the purpose of drawing such an image? What are your initial thoughts on the image and the work put into it? How is the artwork like a piece of literature?
3D Joe and Max
Signs (Scroll down past the artist bios to see the artwork)
Pulse 2.0
Or, you can try to find your own.
Since we have begun blogging, I have been the one to post the poems. For this week's blog, you get to choose.
Choose a poem that you like. The poem should have literary merit and it should have many layers. With that being said, analyze the poem. What literary devices
do you see this author using to convey meaning? What commentary is being made? The last part, explain why the poem resonates with you.
You can choose any poet mentioned on the AP Site of reputable authors, look at American Academy of Poets, Poetry Foundation, Poetry 180.
We are firmly placed within the second quarter. We have many texts behind us from poetry, to plays, to novels. For this week, I want you to pull one piece that we have read so far this year, and I want you to connect it to something in the world.
This connection could be a commercial, an animated movie, a comic, a song, a drama, a play, a sitcom... The opportunities abound. Explain your choice from the class and then explain the choice from the world. Finally, connect the two. Be specific in giving the details so we may make sense and have a context. This is about you being a student and a student of your world.