Monday, January 25, 2016

Passage analysis

We have finished reading Crime and Punishment.  Now we are jigsawing:) With such a large text, it can be easy to overlook the way in which the author is able to convey his ideas.  So for this week, I want you to pull a passage that you find to be thought provoking or interestingly constructed.  

Type out the passage and then break it down for us.  Go line by line analyzing how each word, each sentence, and the use of language impacts what is being said. (Choose a small enough passage so that this is possible.)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Making Sense ofThings

We have read many different texts and types of texts this year.  We are only halfway through.  Look at this article, Meaning in Nonsense. Read what is being said about nonsense and how we read and how we write.  Once you have done this, think about sound and how sound affects you when you read a piece of poetry.

In your post, I want you to pull out one part of this article that resonates with you and explain why it speaks to you.  Once you have done that, I want you to explain how one piece we have read this year, either poetry or prose, has impacted you through sound, nonsense, or some other means.  Think about what is said in this article.  Do you feel the same way?

Monday, January 4, 2016

Cultural influences

Every text we read has been influenced by the writer and the time the writer creates within.  Read this brief piece from Brain Pickings.  Look at what is being said about writers, culture, and creativity.  

Apply this to Dorian Gray.  Write a response where you look at what is going on during Wilde's time, his readers, his ideas, his influences.  Use examples from the text and from Brain Pickings.  If you choose to pull additional sources, be sure to cite them.